Maria spent most of our cold and snow January 2015 in Marlborough.  I did take Maria home at Christmas and New Year to be with friends and family.  We have had many nice visits before all the big snows hit and before the arctic cold descended on Connecticut.

Maria also had a few short visits to Hartford Hospital in January, 12-14, and  January 29 to Feb 4.  Both visits were precautionary trips to the hospital.  While wildly disruptive to Maria and her routine they were of course essential components of her treatment.

During her January 12 stay Maria had another MRI.  Her prior MRI was in November 2014.  This recent MRI indicated that she had a significant amount of brain swelling in both hemispheres of the brain, and unfortunately also indicated that her tumor showed signs of regrowth.  

The immediate treatment for the swelling was to increase her steroid dosing which made an immediate difference in her mental status.  Unfortunately there is no immediate fix for the tumor regrowth.  We cannot operate of irradiate the tumor.  We will investigate another round of chemo with her neurologist. 

We continue to be fortunate that Maria is strong and that she lives to fight every day.  

Maria is in Room 102 in Marlborough.  Best times to visit are around lunchtime and any time after 3:30 in the afternoon. 

Thanks to all for your continued support, prayers and positive energy.   

AuthorPatrick Colacicco

Maria is in Room 102 @ Marlborough Health and Rehabilitation Center.

On 12/4 Maria was finally discharged and returned again to Markborough Health and Rehabilitation Center.  This marks the 5th time Maria was admitted or re-admitted to MHRC.

While in the hospital this time Maria was treated for the abscess in her abdomen and for the dehydration.   Maria continues to have hypoxic events though they are now under control. i.e. she recovers from them quickly with little additional intervention.

Maria is doing well.  The three remaining wounds from her bowel procedure in August are nearly healed.   Her nutrition is excellent. i.e. she has a good appetite.  Her newest wound, the one created by the abscess drain, is also doing well.  She is generally in good health.

If you visit Maria at MHRC please be aware the she is sometime sad and weepy.  We are working with the doctors to adjust her meds to counter her depression.  

She has full comprehension of what you are saying but does still suffer from expressive aphasia.  i.e. it is sometimes difficult for her to respond to a conversation and to form complete sentences.   Please be patient with her and remember to limit external stimuli. i.e. the TV and noise from the hallway.  Also please realize that if will be difficult for her to respond to multiple conversations at once.

Thank you for your support, your prayers, and your continued support.  



AuthorPatrick Colacicco

After Maria's trip to the hospital on 11/19 for the abscess, she remained in the hospital through Thanksgiving.  We were hopeful that she would be well enough to return to Marlborough Health and Rehabilitation Center (MHRC) before the Thanksgiving holiday, but she was unable to do so.  

On Monday 11/24 Maria had two small seizures while in the Bliss 11 Step Down unit.  That evening she had only just transferred to the Step Down unit, but was subsequently sent back to the ICU.

Maria spent two days in the ICU before being sent back to the Step Down unit.  As a result we spent Thanksgiving Day in the hospital.  This was a bittersweet event since prior to 11/19 Maria was doing well at MHRC and was on target to spend the day at home on Thanksgiving.

We were happy to be together at Thanksgiving. Danielle, Matt and Pat celebrated the holiday with her in the hospital.  We had many nice treats to share with Maria.  The hospital also provided an edible Holiday meal for the patients.  While it was not home, it was nice that we could spend the day together as a family.

Thanks to all for your support, your prayers and your positive energy.


AuthorPatrick Colacicco

On Wednesday November 19, Maria was experiencing discomfort in her lower right abdomen.  A red patch had developed that became very sensitive to the touch.  It became painful for the staff to move her and to change her ostomy appliance.

That afternoon Maria was transported to Hartford Hospital.   After a brief visit to the Emergency Department, she was re-admitted. 

On Thursday 11/20, the surgery team performed a small bedside procedure to drain the infected area in her abdomen.  She is resting more comfortably now and is being treated with intravenous antibiotics.  The duration of her stay in the hospital this time is undetermined.

Maria is in ICU on Bliss 11 Rm 14.  She can have visitors.  It is best to check with Pat before visiting.

Thank you all for your continued support, prayers, and positive energy.

AuthorPatrick Colacicco

Maria spent her last week in Hartford Hospital on Bliss 8.  

During her 14 week stay in the hospital Maria spent 9 weeks on Bliss 8.  Maria was well care for on Bliss 8.  The team there truly went the extra mile for Maria, made her feel special, and worked hard to not just provide Maria care, but to also provide her comfort.

Many thanks and a debt of gratitude to the nursing team and the PCAs:

Nurses - Vickie, Joanna, Carol, Tara, Pearl, Ifoma, Arthur, Matt, Ben, James, Mark, Janine

PCAs - Dion, Roberto, Maria, Myra, Diah, Faye, Rosa



AuthorPatrick Colacicco

After more than a week in step down care, Maria was moved to the ICU on Bliss 11.  

During her time in the step down unit as Maria was recovering from her hypoxic event from the week before, she became dehydrated.   On Monday October 27, Maria's became tachycardic and her blood pressure had dropped.  Both are symptoms  of acute dehydration.   As a result she was moved to the ICU and after a few days and 8 liters of normal saline, she was on her way to being rehydrated.  At the same time the hospital administered pressors  to help increase her blood pressure.  Maria had also developed a UTI and was given cefepime (antibiotic) to clear up that condition.

By Wednesday of that week Maria was on the mend and by Friday 10/31 she moved back to Bliss 8.   During her stay in the ICU there were many conversations about the closing the PFO in her heart.  After many discussions, the decision to not operate to close the PFO was made (by Pat).

The team in ICU on Bliss 11 did a great job taking care of Maria, but we were glad to get back to our friends on Bliss 8. 

AuthorPatrick Colacicco

After yet another week on Bliss 8, on Monday 10/20 Maria experienced another low-O2 event.  On Monday afternoon after her lunch, Maria's oxygen levels dropped into the low 80's for no apparent reason.  While Maria was doing during this event, the protocols at the hospital dictate that she move to a higher level of care.  As such on Monday 10/20, Maria moved from Bliss 8 to Bliss 11E Stepdown.  Stepdown is one level below intensive care.

Maria had a good week while on Bliss 11.  She has had two tests, to examine a potential problem with blood flow in the heart.  A Trans Esophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) and a lung ventilation/perfusion scan, or VQ scan, is a test that measures air and blood flow in your lungs.

Like many people, Maria has a hole in her heart.  This is called a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) which is a hole between the left and right atria (upper chambers) of the heart. This hole exists in everyone before birth, but usually closes shortly after being born. PFO is what the hole is called when it fails to close naturally after a baby is born.

The theory is that de-oxygenated blood is passing from the right atria to the left atria without passing through the lungs first.  Mixed blood is then pumped throughout the body and hence her sporadica low O2 (hypoic) episodes.

Currently there is no conclusion on this weeks testing.  We are of course anxious to find the real cause of her low O2 episodes.  Until such time as we find the answer we will remain in the hospital.

Maria can have visitors.  Visitation is no different than on a standard care floor.  If you want to visit Maria feel free to call or text Pat at 703-342-7052 to check to see how she is doing on any given day.

Thanks to you all for your continued thoughts and prayers and positive energy.  



AuthorPatrick Colacicco


Maria and I were extremely happy for the discharge to Marlborough Rehab on 10/13. Unfortunately it was a short lived visit.  On the morning of Tuesday 10/14 Maria's pulse-ox slipped to unacceptably low levels (70%).  At 10:30 on Tuesday morning the ambulance came for Maria and shuttled her to Hartford Hospital.  She was admitted later that same day.

Maria has great willpower and endurance and powers through each and every day.  She did recover quickly from her hypoxia and is resting comfortably in Bliss 829.  She is doing very well and is getting better every day.

She will remain in the hospital however, until such time as the doctors can determine what the underlying cause of her hypoxic events is. Unfortunately, she has experienced two other similar events since the end of September. 

Thanks to all for your support, your prayers, and your positive energy. 

AuthorPatrick Colacicco