This website will be the online home for the Colacicco Family, originally from Utica, NY. It will have news, updates, photos, archives, and history of the Colacicco Family.
Visit the Maria's Journey page to leave a message or to hear about her recovery. This is your chance to share a fun message, send a photo, or to just send some love! Her loving husband Patrick thought this would be a great way for Maria to be able to share her thoughts with all of her friends and family.
The Colacicco family came from Ausonia, Italy to the United States through Ellis Island on October 22, 1902. The family moved to Utica, NY and established themselves in the Dairy business, they named the business Belvedere Dairy. After the passing of the family patriarch Erminio Colacicco, the business was left to his sons who carried out the family dairy business.
The Colacicco Family Logo was inspired by the original lettering of the first Belvedere Dairy delivery truck, a 1950s Divco Milk Truck. The iconic milk bottles are a symbol of our history in the dairy business and the four milk bottles symbolize the four generations of Colacicco's living in America since the voyage from Naples to New York.