After Maria's trip to the hospital on 11/19 for the abscess, she remained in the hospital through Thanksgiving. We were hopeful that she would be well enough to return to Marlborough Health and Rehabilitation Center (MHRC) before the Thanksgiving holiday, but she was unable to do so.
On Monday 11/24 Maria had two small seizures while in the Bliss 11 Step Down unit. That evening she had only just transferred to the Step Down unit, but was subsequently sent back to the ICU.
Maria spent two days in the ICU before being sent back to the Step Down unit. As a result we spent Thanksgiving Day in the hospital. This was a bittersweet event since prior to 11/19 Maria was doing well at MHRC and was on target to spend the day at home on Thanksgiving.
We were happy to be together at Thanksgiving. Danielle, Matt and Pat celebrated the holiday with her in the hospital. We had many nice treats to share with Maria. The hospital also provided an edible Holiday meal for the patients. While it was not home, it was nice that we could spend the day together as a family.
Thanks to all for your support, your prayers and your positive energy.