After 10 long weeks in Hartford Hospital, Maria was discharged to Marlborough Health and Rehabilitation Center (MHRC).  It had been a long time coming.  Having spent every day with Maria in the hospital I can tell you that there were days when we did not think the end was in sight.  At long last Maria was discharged. 

There are many stories I can share about our experiences here in the past 10 weeks.  However, I will spare you all those stories and just say this:  The APRNs, Nurses and PCA's in Hartford Hospital are first rate, world class professionals.  Each and every one of them was highly competent and caring.   The Doctors in the hospital were also highly competent and deeply committed to Maria's care, comfort and healing.  

Our special thanks to the ICU team on Bliss 7I and the Nursing staff and PCAs on Bliss 8.  

Thanks to all for your continues support, your prayers, and your positive energy.



AuthorPatrick Colacicco

Maria is in the Bliss Wing - Room 828.  It is a Standard Care room at Hartford Hospital.

After many weeks, on Saturday 8/30, Maria moved from the Surgery ICU to Intermediate Care. Maria had been in the ICU since her Surgery on Saturday 8/9.  The news of her moving out of ICU was fantastic.

Earlier that same week, Maria began to spend more time awake and less time sleeping.  This too was a fantastic achievement.  On Friday 9/19 Maria's trachea tube was downsized (a good thing) and she was given a Passy-Muir valve, aka the speaking valve.  The smaller tube provides Maria with more comfort, and the valve makes it easier for her to communicate with others.   

On Tuesday, 9/2 Maria was moved from the Intermediate Care room to a standard care room. The move to standard care is a sign that Maria is progressing well and getting better too!!  This week we expect her feeding tube to be removed, and possibly the trachea tube too.  These are great achievements in her recovery.  The physical therapists have already begun to get her moving.  More great stuff.  

Maria is progressing well.  She still has a long road to recovery from a rehab perspective but the progress she has made in the last week is encouraging.

Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers and positive energy. 


AuthorPatrick Colacicco


Maria's bowel resection procedure  on 8/9 went well.  In the week immediately after the surgery the doctors worked hard to keep Maria comfortable.  She was given several units of blood and blood products to help her clot.  They were successful.  

At the same time they installed a venus filter in her inferior vena cava to prevent the clots in her legs from traveling to her heart and lungs.  This was done on 8/13 and was successful.  Maria was bleeding internally and that first week the doctors were concerned about internal bleeding.  Using a catheter, they blocked the epigastric artery.  This artery supplies blood to the muscles in the abdomen.  This was the suspected cause of her internal bleeding. This procedure was successful and in fact stopped the internal bleeding.  

On 8/14 Maria was having trouble breathing because of all the internal bleeding so we put Maria on the respirator.  This was a temporary intubation to ensure she was receiving the correct levels of oxygen. On 8/22 we removed the intubation tube in her throat and installed a trache tube in her throat.  This is much more comfortable for Maria and will help prevent irritation to her throat and vocal chords, and will eliminate the risk of pneumonia.  The trache tube is a temporary measure. 

Maria is resting well in ICU.  She can have visitors.  We are limited to 3 at a time.  I am usually there most days and nights, so if you are interested in coming to visit call or text me at 703-324-7052.  Thank you for your continued support, your prayers and positive energy.




AuthorPatrick Colacicco



After Maria's small seizure on 7/29 and the subsequent trip to the ER, Maria returned to the nursing home.  That next day Maria slept for the entire day.  She was very tired.   On Thursday, 7/31,  Maria was still very tired, and as a result, we brought her back to Hartford Hospital for an admission.  

Over the following week Maria had many tests.  Her energy levels were not the same as they had been on 7/28.  She had many difficulties transferring from the bed to the chair and back again.  The Neurology team and the other supporting doctors were unable to find anything wrong with Maria's blood, heart, or lungs to explain her lack of energy and her changing vital signs.  i.e. her heart rate kept spiking, and her oxygen levels kept dropping.   They had also performed an EEG to check her brain and did not find any issues there either.  

On 8/9 Mara was due to discharge.  Unfortunately Maria had another seizure that morning.  She was unstable for much of the day.  Throughout the course of the day the doctors performed many of the same tests as the week prior. On her chest CT the doctors noted air in her abdomen.  A subsequent abdomen CT validated that there was in fact air in her abdomen and there was suspicion of a perforated bowel.  

That evening the surgeons at Hartford Hospital conducted emergency exploratory surgery to look for the cause of the air.  A small portion of Maria's ascending colon was compromised, and was resected during the operation.  Maria also had a portion of the ileum resected as well.  As a result of the procedure, Maria has a temporary Ileostomy.  




AuthorPatrick Colacicco

On this day, Maria has a small seizure in the morning at the nursing home.  She was taken the the Emergency room at Hartford Hospital.  Maria spent much of the day in the ER for tests.  At 8:30pm that same evening Maria returned to Marlborough Health and Rehabilitation Center.    

The doctors did not find the cause of the seizure.  In addition, the tests conducted that day, blood work, head CT, and chest x-ray did not uncover any issues. 

AuthorPatrick Colacicco

On this weekend the Colacicco's descended on 22 Apple Lane.  My dad, mom, Aunt Tille, brother Dom. sister--law Carole, sister Trish and brother in law David, niece Ashley and nephew-in-law David spent the weekend with us. 

Mother nature provided us with a wonderful weekend weather-wise and the family supplied plenty of good food to eat.  Maria was with us from early in the morning to late in the evening everyday.  It was great to see everyone and great to have the family together.  Maria had a i had a great time with the family.  It was nice to see them all.  

Many thanks to our family for the kindness they showed us and for the memory of a great weekend.

AuthorPatrick Colacicco

As a follow-up to second procedure and the subsequent MRI on June 29, 2014, Maria and I had a scheduled follow-up visit with her Neurosurgeon ,Dr. Kureshi, on July 3,. 20134.

Dr. Kureshi examined her incision site as her staples and stitches remain intact.  Given that a small area of her incision is yet to mend, Dr. Kureshi elected to keep both staples and stitches in for a while longer and referred us to Dr. Steve Smith, a plastic surgeon to assist with mending the incision.  Our appointment is scheduled later this month.

Regarding the MRI, there remains a significant amount of swelling in that hemisphere of the brain.  At this point it is inconclusive if the swelling is due to the infection, the second procedure, or tumor regrowth.  The radiology report was not 100% conclusive in this regard.  As a result, we will have a follow-up with our Neuro oncologist, Dr. Flowers, and are scheduled for another MRI.  Unfortunately we are in a wait and see mode. 

Maria continues to power through her rehab daily.  The rehab therapists at Marlborough are top notch.  They care deeply for Maria and spend a great deal of time with her.  Maria continues to progress in speech and with walking, though she is still required to be in a wheelchair.

Most weekends, Maria is home with us.  While she is still a resident of Marlborough Health Center, we have Maria spend Saturday and Sunday at home with us.  So if you are inclined to visit Maria on any given weekend, give a call to our house 860-267-0691 or to my cell phone 860-930-2209 to determine where she is. 

Thank you all for your continued support, you prayers, and your positive energy.  



AuthorPatrick Colacicco

Maria spent a quick two weeks at Gaylord Hospital.  She was elated to see her friends on the nursing staff and in rehab and stayed on the same hall as before, just a few doors down from her original room.  As with all things, insurance rules reign supreme over life and health care decisions.  As such we were forced to move Maria back to Marlborough on June 14th.  

Maria is again back at Marlborough and is resting comfortably in room 104.  Her therapy schedule continues to keep her busy until 3:30 pm daily.  Should you want to visit Maria during the week lunch time (noon-ish) and after 3:30 pm continue to be the prime time slots. 

For those of you who have seen Maria before her second procedure, you will notice that Maria is struggling a bit more with her speech.  You will find that her speech is not as good as it was in April and May.  Please be patient.  She comprehends everything that you will say.  Her expressive aphasia prevents her from formulating rapid responses and sentences.   This frustrates her greatly so any assistance you can give her such as a word or two are helpful.

It has been 16 weeks since her first surgery.  Maria is doing great, but there is still much work ahead for her and for us.

Thanks to all for you cards, letters, prayers and positive energy. 



AuthorPatrick Colacicco