As a follow-up to second procedure and the subsequent MRI on June 29, 2014, Maria and I had a scheduled follow-up visit with her Neurosurgeon ,Dr. Kureshi, on July 3,. 20134.

Dr. Kureshi examined her incision site as her staples and stitches remain intact.  Given that a small area of her incision is yet to mend, Dr. Kureshi elected to keep both staples and stitches in for a while longer and referred us to Dr. Steve Smith, a plastic surgeon to assist with mending the incision.  Our appointment is scheduled later this month.

Regarding the MRI, there remains a significant amount of swelling in that hemisphere of the brain.  At this point it is inconclusive if the swelling is due to the infection, the second procedure, or tumor regrowth.  The radiology report was not 100% conclusive in this regard.  As a result, we will have a follow-up with our Neuro oncologist, Dr. Flowers, and are scheduled for another MRI.  Unfortunately we are in a wait and see mode. 

Maria continues to power through her rehab daily.  The rehab therapists at Marlborough are top notch.  They care deeply for Maria and spend a great deal of time with her.  Maria continues to progress in speech and with walking, though she is still required to be in a wheelchair.

Most weekends, Maria is home with us.  While she is still a resident of Marlborough Health Center, we have Maria spend Saturday and Sunday at home with us.  So if you are inclined to visit Maria on any given weekend, give a call to our house 860-267-0691 or to my cell phone 860-930-2209 to determine where she is. 

Thank you all for your continued support, you prayers, and your positive energy.  



AuthorPatrick Colacicco