On May 29, Maria had her post treatment MRI.  We visited Hartford Hospital bright and early on that day for an 8:45 appointment.  We were both anxious for this day and eager to find out if the radiation and chemotherapy did the job on the remnants of the tumor.  

After a very uncomfortable MRI, (the tech could not find the vein for the contrast IV), Maria completed the MRI and we were off to meet with her Neuro Oncologist, Dr. Flowers.  The MRI indicated what looked like a large area of swelling around the tumor site.  This coupled with the fact that her incision was still not completely healed, and the fact that Maria had recently regressed in speech capabilities, indicated that what looked like swelling was likely an infection.  

We were sent to see her Neuro Surgeon who confirmed the diagnosis of infection and Maria was immediately re-admitted to Hartford Hospital.  She was scheduled for a second craniotomy on  May 30.  This second procedure would be thirteen (13) weeks to the day from her first procedure. 

AuthorPatrick Colacicco