April 18 marks the end of the third week of treatments for Maria. It also marks seven weeks since her surgery. It is hard to believe that it has been seven weeks since her procedure. The time has certainly passed quickly.
Many of you have asked about the radiation treatments. Monday - Friday I bring Maria to the Helen and Harry Gray Cancer Center in Hartford for her treatments. They last about 15 minutes. Maria reclines on a table, the table is positioned with lasers, her mask is affixed to the table, and then her treatments begin. Maria is pictured here with one of her radiation techs, Sara, as she prepares Maria for the treatment.
Sara making final adjustment before beginning the treatment
Maria, all set and ready to go - and no it does not hurt.
Next week on Monday April 21, Maria will have reached the half-way point of her treatments. Thank you all for your support, your thoughts and prayers and positive energy.