This past week was a busy week for Maria. In addition to continuing her rigorous PT/OT/ST at Gaylord Hospital, Maria also had her first post-op visit with her Neuro Surgeon on 3/19 and her first visit with her Radiation Oncologist on 3/21.
The report from the Neruo Surgeon was positive. Maria's incision is healing well. Her recovery from the operation is proceeding as expected with no issues. As a result of the operation she remains weak on her right side. At times she also has difficulty finding the right words or sequencing motor actions. This is called Aphasia. This is a normal result from a brain operation with a tumor placement like hers.
This is what a Maria's Radiology Mask looks like
Maria's Radiology appointment was a planning appointment. In April she will begin Radiation treatments where they will irradiate her tumor site. During her appointment they created a mask (like the one here). This mask is used to keep her head in the same position each time she receives her radiation treatments. The technology used to deliver Radiation is a 3-D model of the tumor site created by combining her CT and MRI scans. It is a very precise method of delivering Radiation.
Her Radiation treatments will be daily, Monday - Friday for 6.5 weeks. Along with Radiation, Maria will be taking a Chemotherapy drug called Temozolomide or TMZ for short. Her Chemo is a pill form and will be administered every day during the treatment period.
Maria's treatment is the recommended post operative treatment for a tumor like hers. The main goal of the treatment is to ensure that all of the tumor cells have been eliminated and that the tumor does not grow back.
On Thursday this week, 3/20, Pat spend the day at Gaylord and worked with Maria during her PT, OT and ST visits. Pat had a first hand opportunity to work with Maria as she practiced climbing stairs, practiced walked with a hemi-walker, practiced getting on and of the commode and getting in and out of tubs. Maria has progressed very well since her arrival on 3/4. Maria could not perform any of these tasks on 3/4 when she arrived. Now she can perform these tasks with 'moderate assistance'. She is going great.
On Friday 3/21, Maria had a few surprise visitors from Utica, NY (home for us). Her cousins Nancy and Florene (Leone) visited. Jerry, Florene's husband was with them too. This was quiet the surprise for Maria. They spent the afternoon together enjoying the treats that they brought from Utica - tomato pie, Italian pastry, and Aunt Grace's home made sausage roll. It was great to see them. The treats from Utica were especially tasty.
On Saturday 3/22 Maria, had many visitors. Two of her friends from C-21 stopped in. After that our friend Lorraine Legnani (HSBC co-worker) visited too.
At lunchtime Ken and Debbie Derrick visited and brought in a nice lunch (grinders, yum..) and desserts - chocolates and chocolate chip cookies, (double yum), for Maria. They spent the afternoon visiting with Maria. Ken and Deb spent the day with Pat on surgery day, and had not seen maria since that day. It was quite a different visit for all of them - what a great visit. They also brought a beautiful scarf for Maria. I can't wait to see her in it. Thank you Ken and Deb !
Later that day Magda and Ed Organek stopped by. Magda made Maria home-made Perogies. They were delicious. Danielle and Matt were also there with Ed and Magda to visit with Maria. We spent quite a while visiting with them. It was nice to see them. Thank you Ed and Magda.
It was a great day for Maria, and a great day for visiting. Maria was happy to see everyone and was overwhelmed with the nice treats that everyone had brought. Pat is especially thankful for treats too (its all about the leftovers !!)
Maria sends her thanks to all for your continued support, prayers, and positive energy. She continues to progress well. Your support and friendship provides her with an abundance of energy.